Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Autocratic Leadership Authoritarian Leadership - 911 Words

Autocratic Autocratic leadership describes the leadership style as the individual having absolute power within the group without input from other work colleagues (Craven 2014). This style of leadership, the autocratic leader makes the decisions and takes responsibility for the achievements of the organisation. Autocratic leaders decide which group members contribute and how much they contribute without consulting (Vugt, Jepson, Hart and Cremer 2004 (cited in Craven 2014). According to Northouse (cited in (Craven 2014) authoritarian leadership has negative outcomes as it fosters dependence, submissiveness and a loss of individuality (cited in Craven 2014). Followers who work under an authoritarian leader feel continually to be under pressure and are not able to take the initiative as the leader does not believe that they are capable of performing the duties required without being encouraged by the leader as they have no passion to work and are not capable of accomplishing tasks alone. 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